Approximately half of the human body weight consists of water. Not too many people realize that water is also a nutrient. Water is one of the most important nutrient required to sustain a healthy body. Not getting enough of this important nutrient can lead to all kinds of health problems.
The human brain has the largest concentration of water on the about at about 85%. Your cells need adequate water on order to function properly. Water is an important component in the blood and is needed to break down certain chemicals within the body. The human body uses and requires water to detoxify itself, as well as, regulate body temperature.
When the body is low on water it will tell you by the thirsty feeling you get. When you do really get the thirsty feeling, it may be a sign that you are already becoming dehydrated to a certain degree. Your urine may be darker than usual with a stronger odor.
Some symptoms that many people are currently experiencing may be a reaction to being in a dehydrated state to some degree and may not even be aware of it. By simply re-hydrating yourself and staying in a healthy hydrated state may amazingly relieve one from these symptoms that I will cover later in this article.
Water is an important element in losing weight. When your body needs H2O and is not getting it, it will retain what water it has to a certain degree. Many of us drink fluids such as coffee, tea, sodas, and beer and believe that we are getting the water and fluids that we need from that when in fact beverages containing salt and caffeine are zapping our bodies of fluids.
The many beverages that I loved to drink on a daily basis were loaded with water zapping caffeine and salt which were keeping me from my potential to being healthier. These water stealing beverages, and some foods, were my down fall as I was always in a low grade state of dehydration until I learned the importance of drinking plenty of water and taking my daily nutritional supplements.
When I started to increase my daily intake of water to an average of 8 glasses a day, more if I exercised, and cut back on salty and caffeinated beverages, I noticed some of my symptoms improving. I began to think clearer, had more energy and I did not get as many headaches as I used to. My blood pressure readings also improved dramatically.
Below are some symptoms commonly related to being dehydrated. If you are experiencing these symptoms and finally come to realize that you are not drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, try cutting back or eliminating beverages containing high salt levels or caffeine.
You should start seeing results within 48 hours. For those with medical conditions that were told by their Doctor to cut back on fluid intake should stick with that advice and consult with your Doctor if you feel you are dehydrated.
Here are the symptoms related to being dehydrated:
- Headaches
- High Blood Pressure (when the body is low on fluids, it compensates by increasing blood pressure)
- Tiredness/Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Foggy or Hazy Thinking (hard to concentrate)
- Heart Palpitations
- Irritability/Easily Stressed
- Kidney Pains
- Weight Gain
- Skin Rashes
- Muscle Cramps (really dehydrated at this point)
- Lack of sweat when exerting energy (severe sign)
Got Water!
Until next time.