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Showing posts with label macular degeneration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label macular degeneration. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Macular Degeneration

Our eyes provide us with a daily visual feast of the world around us. Ironically, it's so easy to take our eyesight for granted. However, as we age, many parts and body systems begin to lose resiliency. We develop little arthritic pains in joints and hands, or lose muscle tone and strength.

However, these are far easier to deal with than loss of eyesight. Age related macular degeneration is such a condition and the most common cause of blindness in people 50 years or older.

Age related macular degeneration attacks the central part of the retina, with the formation of additional blood cells beneath the retina. The growth of these blood cells causes leaking of fluids from the eyes, often resulting in scar tissue and eventual loss of sight. Typically, both eyes are affected, although sometimes in varying degrees.

There are two types of age related macular degeneration, referred to as ”dry” or “wet”. The dry type accounts for 90% of cases. With the dry type, visual cells cease functioning. To date, there is no effective treatment for this type.

The wet form of age related macular degeneration is treatable, but is also far more aggressive, usually resulting in blindness in a period of three months to a few years. Laser treatment may help in the shorter term.

Because this condition affects the central portion of the retina, the patient retains some peripheral vision, but that vision is often distorted and cloudy. People with this form of age related macular degeneration are often quite sensitive to light and may perceive light where there is none.

Early symptoms of age related macular degeneration include blurry vision in the central portion of the eyes, distortions of perception of shape or size of objects and light sensitivity. The condition is not particularly painful, although some degree of discomfort may occur.

Recent research suggests that genetic factors are involved in the development of age related macular degeneration. It is certain that diet plays an important role as a preventative factor.

It's been found that people who disdain foods throughout their lifetime, known to help prevent age related macular degeneration, are far more likely to develop this condition.

Here are some foods that are shown to be powerful preventatives. It's never too late to start including quantities of these food in your diet.

It's fairly easy to identify foods high in carotenoids, antioxidants valuable to the prevention of AMD. Carotenoids produce the bright yellow, orange and green colors in produce. Ample amounts of these fresh fruits and veggies can prevent AMD.

The list is long, so if you dislike some, there's plenty more from which to choose.

Carrots, collards, cantaloupe, carrots, grapes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, peaches, yams, yellow corn, and yellow, orange and red bell peppers are all rich sources of these antioxidants. Among the dark green vegetables, asparagus, aragula, broccoli, chard, endive, dandelion leaves, lettuce, mustard greens, spinach, and parsley are among the best.

So protect yourself against age related macular degeneration. It is preventable.

See Ya Later!
